Post-Surgery Instructions

First 24 Hours: Physical exertion, hot drinks and foods, or inverting your head below the level of your chest promote post-operative bleeding. Please avoid all these activities for the first 24 hours. Thereafter, gradually increase physical activity levels over a week.

Bleeding: It is common to see traces of blood in your saliva in the hours after the operation. Do not rinse the mouth vigorously the first 24 hours as further bleeding may ensue. Gentle pressure at the site of surgery may stop minor bleeding.

  • Periodontal Dressing: Periodontal dressings provide stability for the surgical area. Please do NOT disturb the dressing. It often remains in place until your next appointment. Early loss of the dressing without uncontrolled bleeding is no cause for concern.

  • Tissue Glue/Adhesive: This is designed to promote clotting and starts to come off bit by bit as gritty particles 1 to 2 days after surgery.

  • Gum Graft/Bone Graft: Maintain a reduced level of activity for the entire week following surgery. Avoid physical manipulation or pressure on the site of surgery.

  • Sinus Bone Graft: Nose blowing / sneezing may disrupt the graft or induce bleeding in the sinus. Please DO NOT blow your nose or sneeze with mouth closed for 2 weeks and use sinus decongestants as needed.

Swelling: Facial and oral swelling and bruising is not uncommon following certain procedures. To help alleviate this, ice packs or cold gel packs may be applied gently to the outside of the face over the area of surgery for 15 minutes intermittently for the first 2 days after surgery. Avoid excessive pressure at the surgical site. If swelling continues after 2 days, it may be an indication of bleeding or infection in the area.

Medications: Pain control medications will be prescribed or suggested following surgery.  Please take these as prescribed in a TIMELY manner, if possible, PRIOR to resolution of the local anesthesia (freezing).  Moderate discomfort is not uncommon after local anesthesia dissipates and pain control will be significantly improved with regular and consistent use of the medications prescribed.  Other medications may be prescribed on a case-specific basis.  Please take all medications as prescribed or instructed.

Cleaning Your Mouth: Meticulous oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, etc.) should be continued in the mouth except in the area of surgery. Rinses may be prescribed for you to make your oral hygiene easier after surgery. Please follow the instructions given.

Nutrition: Optimal healing is dependent on a healthy body. Maintain normal food and liquid intake after surgery with a preference to cooler and softer foods. Avoid chewing on the surgical site. Avoid hard or spicy foods, or small food particles such as nuts and seeds that may get lodged in the surgical site.  Nutrition supplement drinks and fruit shakes are excellent.

Other Precautions:

  • Smoking is proven to delay healing and reduce surgical success. Avoid if at all possible and use nicotine substitutes if necessary for first week after surgery.

  • Rinsing/Spitting/Sucking (Straws) should be avoided for 5 days, and thereafter, should be done gently.

  • Dentures/Appliances at the area of surgery should be worn sparingly only as directed and never for eating during the first 2 weeks after surgery.

If unexpected problems arise, please call us at the office or call/text Dr. Chung directly.